Dawn Wind

This illustration by Geoff Taylor, was originally used on Dawn Wind, written by Rosemary Sutcliff,

Original Art

This Painting is for Sale
Dawn Wind


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Dawn Wind by Rosemary Sutcliff painted by Geoff Taylor - art by Geoff Taylor


Painting by Geoff Taylor of a warrior with a sword, a flag behind him and to the left a camp of tents for the army. Orange cloudy sky.

Synopsis for Original Title

In the sixth century A.D. the Saxons ruled Southern England. After the great battle of Aquae Sulis, Owain, injured, wakes to find his father and brother killed during the fight. On the battlefield the only other living thing is a lean and hungry dog. This story covers the twelve years following the battle and describes the life and adventures of Owain during this time of historic change in the annals of England.




Gouache on Artboard

Size approx.3
20x15 inches or 50x38 cm
Original (£500)

Availabe to License

Please Quote Ref: 178

1. Where possible the year shown is the actual creation year, though where this has not been available the first known publication date has been used for reference.
2. Sometimes the Medium is listed as Unknown. In most cases this is due to the original being lost or sold. With few records remaining,
3. The Size shown is approximate, +/-1 inch (2.5 cm). If the exact size of the image, and medium is required, please contact us.