Magicians Gambit
This illustration by Geoff Taylor, was originally used on Magicians Gambit, written by David Eddings,
Original Art

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The third book in the Belgariad
Synopsis for Original Title
Ce'Nedra, Imperial Princess of Tolnedra, was confused.
Everyone knew that the tales of the Orb that protected the West from the evil God Torak were just silly legends. But here she was, forced to join a serious and dangerous quest to recover that stolen Orb. No one believed in sorcery. Yet Garion's aunt and grandfather seemed to be the fabled sorcerers Polgara and Belgarath, who would have to be thousands of years old. Even young Garion was learning to do things that could only be sorcery.
Garion! He was nothing but a farm boy, totally unsuitable for an Imperial Princess. Then why did she have such an urge to teach him, to brush his tangled hair, and to comfort him?
Now he was going to a strange tower in the centre of all he believed evil, to face some horrible, powerful magician. And she wouldn't be there to watch over him. He might be killed! She'd never see him again...

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1. Where possible the year shown is the actual creation year, though where this has not been available the first known publication date has been used for reference.
2. Sometimes the Medium is listed as Unknown. In most cases this is due to the original being lost or sold. With few records remaining,