
This illustration by Geoff Taylor, was originally used on 'Skavenslayer'

Original Art



Selecting these images will provide an enlargement. In some cases the images is of low quality, we hope to improve them when a better image is available. If you can help, or know another instance of the art's use, please contact us.

Skavenslayer - art by Geoff Taylor
Skavenslayer - art by Geoff Taylor
Skavenslayer - art by Geoff Taylor
Skavenslayer - art by Geoff Taylor
Skavenslayer - art by Geoff Taylor
Skavenslayer - art by Geoff Taylor
Skavenslayer - art by Geoff Taylor
Alternate usage of the art  - art by Geoff Taylor
visual or concept of Skavenslayer made prior to artwork for the cover - art by Geoff Taylor
Images © Games Workshop Limited 1991-2025


Set deep in the tunnels beneath the great city of Nuln, a dark evil has been unveiled. The foul skaven ratmen will stop at nothing to bring chaos to the world above and fulfill the prophecies of their dark god. Having enlisted as sewer–jacks in the vain hope of keeping a low profile, Gotrek and Felix find themselves thrust into the thick of the action as they battle to foil the skaven’s dark schemes.




Acrylic on Artboard


Availabe to Licence

Please Quote Ref: 485

1. Where possible the year shown is the actual creation year, though where this has not been available the first known publication date has been used for reference.
2. Sometimes the Medium is listed as Unknown. In most cases this is due to the original being lost or sold. With few records remaining,