Geoff's Website

Black and white illustration prices are on request and will be between £20 and £250

Geoff Taylor has illustrated book covers for many publishers around the world for over 40 years. Geoff is best known within the Fantasy and Sci Fiction genres for his book cover art. working with authors such as Raymond E. Feist, David Eddings, Katharine Kerr, Jack Vance and many others. Warhammer Rulebook

Geoff has created paintings for Games Workshop, the largest role-playing games company in the world, for use on their White Dwarf magazine, Warhammer box covers and bookcovers for the Black Library. Wolf from Wolf Brother

There are also hundreds more illustrations inside books, such as The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: (Illustration from Wolf Brother Book 1) a series of 6 books by Michelle Paver. Geoff was also one of the illustrators for Jeff Waynes Musical Version of The War of the Worlds Album booklet.

Siesta - wolf cubs resting

Geoff is also an accomplished wildlife artist, this can be seen in the detail of his wildlife art, paintings of wolves, owls, deer and other animals. Wildlife Prints can be found in For Sale section of the website.

To view the artwork, many of which are for sale, go to Galleries then select from the list.

Guardians of the West

Guardians of the West. Warned by the prophecy that a new and greater danger threatens the lands of the West, Garion, Belgarath and Polgara must begin another quest to save the lands from great evil. Eleven years have passed since Garion's killing of the evil God Torak and his marriage to Ce'Nedra. He is now Overlord of the West, slowly learning how to cope with the duties of a king and to overcome the difficulties within his marriage. When the Orb of Aldur warns Garion to `Beware...

The Younger Gods

The attacks of the dreadful insect queen known as the Vlagh have been repelled in three of the Elder Gods' realms. Now, only the land ruled by the Goddess Aracia remains for the Vlagh to send her hordes to attack. But while the Gods, their younger avatars and their human comrades have emerged victorious from all previous encounters, this time the Goddess herself may be their greatest foe – she craves worship and hates the idea of being replaced by a younger God when her time comes to an...

The Bard of Castaguard

Deadly wolves attack throughout the kingdom of Belbidia, while the king's wife-to-be has been kidnapped. For both of these, the Barony of Torra Alta is blamed. The heroes must face magic and blood in their quests to avenge the wrongs done to them and restore the Trinity of priestesses.

The Animal Wife This Painting is for Sale

The Animal Wife. The setting is Siberia, 2000 years ago. Kori is a young hunter whose assurance while hunting deserts him when among women. Then he finds a wife or is she a slave? from another tribe.

The Treasured One

The Treasured One. They are called the Dreamers. They look like sleeping children. They are, in fact, Gods. Despite the literally earth-shattering climax of The Elder Gods, Dahlaine still does not regret having brought the Dreamers into the world of the Elder Gods. He only wishes he’d thought harder about the consequences. His sister Aracia fears the whole world will collapse in on itself if the Dreamers should all wake up and realize where they are. It’s bad enough with them dreaming the...

Lord of Lies This Painting is for Sale

The Lord of Lies is the story of the Dark Angel's swift and terrible revenge against Valashu Elahad. Death and destruction surround the Lightstone in the second book of this magnificent and deeply moving fantasy epic. Valashu Elahad only regained the Lightstone in Argattha when he realized that his purpose was to guard the treasure of his ancestors so that he could pass it to the enlightened one, the Maitreya, who would lead them back to the stars. At the time he understood that the...

The Wizard and the War Machine This Painting is for Sale

At the end of The Cyborg and the Sorcerers, Sam Turner was making a life for himself on the planet Dest. He thought he had left the long-lost interstellar war between Earth and its rebellious colonies behind him forever. "Forever" turned out to be eleven years. That was how long it took for another Independent Reconaissance Unit to respond to the distress call his ship had sent before it was destroyed. And this one made his own berserk killer computer look sane.

Servant of the Empire (v2)

Mara of Acoma, Ruling Lady of her house, has now established herself as a force within the Empire. As an expert player of the Game of the Council, she is a master of its bloody political maneuvering. Mara has made gains for her followers, including new lands, but the war effort on the world of Midkemia is draining off manpower, and slaves are difficult to find.. So against advice Mara buys a group of Midkemian prisoners-of-war, only to discover that one of them is a noble: Kevin, third son of...

Domes of Fire (v2)

At the conclusion of The Elenium the company of Pandion Knights led by Sir Sparhawk, having freed Queen Ehlana of Elenia from the spell which threatened her life, had marched on Zemoch, routed their enemies and defeated or destroyed the evil god Azash. Sparhawk returned to Elenia, where he and Ehlana were married. But their peaceful reign is destined not to last long. A few years later, in the Tamul Empire far to the east, unrest is brewing which threatens the nation’s stability. Investigations...