Games Workshop

Select an option from the menu on the left to see the artwork Geoff created for the covers for the White Dwarf gaming magazine, which also feature on Boxed Games,  Black Library book cover art, and "OTHERS" also Workshop related artwork.

White Dwarf 220 Tears of Isha

The premise for the campaign is that two brothers have become estranged. The younger brother was chosen as the successor to the estate by their father, and the older brother fled to the Dark Elves, where he was taken in. Now, the older has returned with a Dark Elf army to exact vengeance upon his brother. Each of the brothers holds a sword that contains a Tear of Isha, and whoever holds both tears wins the campaign

Ragnars Claw

RAGNAR'S CLAW A Space Wolf novel by William King F ROM THE DEATH - WORLD of Fenris come the Space Wolves, the most savage of the Emperor’s Space Marines. Ragnar’s Claw explores the bloody beginnings of Space Wolf Ragnar’s first mission as a young Blood Claw warrior. From the jungle hell of Galt to the polluted cities of Hive World Venam, Ragnar’s mission takes him on an epic trek across the galaxy to face the very heart of Evil itself.

Slayer of the Storm God

Audio CD Slayer of the Storm God by Nathan Long. Gotrek and Felix return in a brand new audio-only adventure, Gotrek and his faithful companion have travelled to the port city of Marienburg when they stumble across a mysterious golden bracelet. Little do they relaise that this is the very trinket dedicated to Stromfels - the ancient and evil Storm God - and he wants it back!

White Dwarf 160 - Man O War Battle

"Man O' War" is the game of Raging Sea Battles in the Warhammer World. As an admiral of an ocean-going war fleet you must command your ships, which can be either squadrons of Ships of the Line or heavily armored Men O' War, in the battle for supremacy of the high seas.