Story Singer (00)


This cover is used for reference purposes only. Neither the artwork or copyright belong to Geoff Taylor, but instead belong to the publisher/artist. Please do not contact us for Details or Availability.

Cover of Story Singer Not a Geoff Taylor cover - art by Geoff Taylor


The land of Khandar needs silk. The moths must dance in the palace garden and Tareth must weave once again. As Maia races across the Vast with the last of the cocoons, she knows the future of the Sun City lies in her hands. But her sister, Elin, will stop at nothing to steal back what was hers and see Caspia crowned as Sun Catcher and Queen. The silk sighs its secrets and Maia realises that now, more than ever, she must find a Story Singer to sing by her side.




Not Geoff Taylors

1. Where possible the year shown is the actual creation year, though where this has not been available the first known publication date has been used for reference.