The Last Wolf
The Last Wolf, is one of many wildlife paintings by Geoff Taylor.
Original Art

'And now once more to Humphrey Head
It makes with faltering bounds-
And whither are the hunter
And where are the abiding hounds?'....
This excerpt from the poem "The Last Wolf" is written under the image on the wolf print. A signed edition this wolf print is available.
This painting was inspired by the tale of the last wolf in England which was reputedly killed in the 14th Century at Humphrey Head, Cumbria, the event was captured in a poem called "The Last Wolf" by Mrs Jerome Mercier.

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1. Where possible the year shown is the actual creation year, though where this has not been available the first known publication date has been used for reference.
2. Sometimes the Medium is listed as Unknown. In most cases this is due to the original being lost or sold. With few records remaining,